the 5th Cavalry Corps in the final stage of the Turkish War of Independence. Face new, original situations and adapt your tactics to overcome your opponents. New Bonus scenarios: 4 brand new scenarios in which you can test your mettle against the AI. Transport vehicles lost texturing when on the move, when an infantry uses their vehicle mode for travel, the vehicle for most nations are plain white. Lot 2: BMC Power BATU V12 4-short stroke, 12-cylinder water-cooled diesel. In Panzer Corps 2 you can customize the appearance of your units, and with the General Edition you have access to special skins which aren’t accessible in the base game.
Panzer corps 2 forums update#
Update the help options in the editor, right now most of the toggle buttons for help are not functional, or there is no corresponding guide to assist you, I'm referring to the (?) for each option, most of them are currently disabled. Unable to select the nations you want in your random scenarios.

Should be able to set the amount of turns you want for the random scenario creator, sometimes I don't want to play 28 turns, just want something quick or maybe a longer game on the weekends, should be able to determine this in the options. Sound - units lack punch right now, just really takes away from the game. AI does not use planes or AAA in random scenario creator, played 8-10 games, have yet to see the first one. Please add an option for this game to be able to win a majority/percentage of objectives vice all of them as an selectable option in the random scenario creator.

Wanted to put this up for anyone who wants to feed into a consolidated post where the Devs can see everything we put under one long continuing thread, here goes mine: